Welcome to True Crime Writer, Kimberly McGath’s website
I recently retired my position as detective from my local sheriff’s office. Trading my badge for a pen was not a decision that I took lightly but I knew in my heart it was the right one. I felt I had done all I could at the job and truly felt compelled to write about some of my experiences not just for cathartic purposes but also in the hopes of helping others.
I have always been fascinated by puzzles and mysteries for as long as I can remember. I read all of the mystery novels I could get my hands on as a child and loved to see if I could solve the puzzles while avoiding the traps planted by the author. This fascination developed into a passion for cold cases. I fought very hard for cold case victims, particularly because they are often “forgotten” victims. I believe all cases are solveable given adequate resources and time.
I value my readers and welcome your feedback and suggestions. Use my Contact Me page to tell me what I’m doing right or what I can improve on. I look forward to getting to know each and every one of you.
Join us in February on Facebook for Mystery Thriller Week.